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Article: Control your glucose, protect your heart

Rosy Yáñez

Nutricionista con Doctorado, experta en nutrición y metabolismo, diabetes, alimentación low-carb, medicación efectiva y ayuno intermitente. @diabetesbien


Blood glucose control is essential for your heart. Cardiovascular health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being. Heart disease represents one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide, and numerous risk factors contribute to its development. One of these factors, which has been the subject of increasing scientific interest in recent years, is glycemic control . Maintaining blood glucose levels within a healthy range is essential for preventing cardiovascular disease and promoting a long, healthy life.

Relationship between blood glucose and cardiovascular health

Numerous scientific studies have shown a close association between glycemic control and cardiovascular health. Here I present some more relevant evidence:

  1. Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases: Diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, is characterized by high blood glucose levels. People with diabetes have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. Controlling blood glucose is essential to reduce this risk.
  2. Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes, is closely linked to the accumulation of abdominal fat, low-grade inflammation, and increased blood glucose levels. This resistance contributes to chronic inflammation and arterial damage, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  3. Inflammation and oxidative stress: Chronically elevated blood glucose levels can trigger inflammatory processes and increase oxidative stress in the body. Both processes are involved in the development of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Postprandial hyperglycemia: After eating, blood glucose levels temporarily increase. However, in people with diabetes who do not achieve normoglycemia and/or do not know how to do so with a low-carbohydrate diet, their levels can continually and dangerously skyrocket. These postprandial glucose spikes have been associated with an increased risk of acute cardiovascular events.
  5. Benefits of lowering blood glucose: Clinical studies have shown that strict blood glucose control in people with diabetes can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The UKPDS Study and the DCCT Study are notable examples of research that supports this claim.

Recommendations for blood glucose control and cardiovascular health

Learning how to achieve and maintain optimal blood glucose control is an essential part of preventing cardiovascular disease. Here are some key recommendations:

  1. Very low carbohydrate diet: Consuming a precise, personalized and very low carbohydrate diet so that it is effective in reducing blood glucose levels, helps maintain stable blood glucose levels and at the same time have adequate and consistent nutrition. comprehensive health.
  2. Regular exercise: Personalized, progressive and constant physical activity improves insulin sensitivity and helps control blood glucose; and it's free.
  3. Stress and sleep management: Chronic stress and lack of sleep can contribute to imbalances in glucose levels. Managing stress and improving sleep quality are important aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

Practical TIPS if you want to start downloading or replacing on your own


  1. If you come from eating a lot of carbohydrates, I recommend that you start replacing regular cereal bread with this seed bread , which will remind you of regular bread without causing glycemic spikes that make you sick.
  2. If you don't know what to have for breakfast, you can replace the common carbohydrates in your breakfasts with: these protein bars or this granola that will give you that sweet taste without causing major glycemic spikes.
  3. If you feel like something sweet or something for dessert, you can replace common pastries or fruits with: desserts inindividual cups or occasionally eat one of these sweets specially developed without common sugars or cereals to keep your glucose levels stable.

You really have no excuse to feel like you suffer with this “restriction” of common ultra-processed carbohydrates that make you sick and cause big glycemic spikes, since you can regain health, glycemic stability and improve your cardiovascular health.

My help and my programs:

I am Rosy Yáñez, Nutritionist with a PhD, expert in Nutrition and
Metabolism, Diabetes, Low-carb Diet, effective medication and
intermittent fasting.

If you want to avoid or prevent having type 2 diabetes, improve your composition
whether or not you have type 2 diabetes, or if you are a father or mother of children or
adolescents with diabetes or you are an adult with type 1 or LADA diabetes and
you want to continue learning about proper control of glucose levels
in blood, I invite you to look more about my escort programs. Check out my best resources here .

How to avoid diabetic complications?
What is “prediabetes” or insulin resistance?
What is “normoglycemia”?



Pan de semillas sin gluten y bajo en carbohidratosPan de semillas sin gluten y bajo en carbohidratos en hogazas precortadas
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Hogaza precortada de pan multisemillas sin gluten y alto contenido en fibra. El pan perfecto para dietas bajas en carbohidratos.

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