Disfrutar de una alimentación deliciosa y saludable

Hoy, Día Mundial de la Diabetes, hablamos con Oriol Ansillo, padre de una niña con Diabetes Tipo 1. La Diabetes es una enfermedad autoinmunitaria que cambia de forma radical la vida de quienes la p...
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Alzheimer's: diabetes of the brain
What if I told you that we could view Alzheimer's disease as diabetes of the brain? This theory, which seems far-fetched, has gained a lot of traction in the last two decades, thanks to the emerge...
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Your Intestinal Microbiota: Stress, Nutrition and Digestive Balance
Discover the causes of common digestive problems like SIBO and IBS. Learn how stress, diet, and microbiome balance affect your digestive health.
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The best books for your health
Looking for a path to a healthier life? Discover our carefully selected books that will guide you towards better nutrition and well-being. From the anti-cancer power of your food choices to rejuven...
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Control your glucose, protect your heart
Blood glucose control is essential for your heart. Cardiovascular health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being. Heart disease represents one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide, an...
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Intermittent fasting: what it is, what it is based on and what are its benefits
Fasting, that is, not eating food, is something we do daily. This natural fast refers to the period of time that goes from dinner to breakfast the next day, a few hours during which we do not eat a...
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Carbohydrates, two sides of the same molecule
Carbohydrates are part of the so-called macronutrients , a heterogeneous group that they make up along with fats and proteins. These three types of macronutrients are processed by our digestive sys...
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Ketosis and migraine
Migraine is a complex neurological disease that affects 15% of the world's population. Migraine is a type of headache or chronic episodic and recurrent headache of great intensity that prevents t...
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Essential amino acids: what they are, what they are and why we need them
You may have heard that the nutrients that make up the foods we eat are divided into micronutrients and macronutrients . The first are vitamins and minerals, while the second are carbohydrates, fa...
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