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Los mejores libros para tu salud

The best books for your health

Looking for a path to a healthier life? Discover our carefully selected books that will guide you towards better nutrition and well-being. From the anti-cancer power of your food choices to rejuven...

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¿Qué es el ayuno intermitente?

Intermittent fasting: what it is, what it is based on and what are its benefits

Fasting, that is, not eating food, is something we do daily. This natural fast refers to the period of time that goes from dinner to breakfast the next day, a few hours during which we do not eat a...

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Qué son los carbohidratos o hidratos de carbono

Carbohydrates, two sides of the same molecule

Carbohydrates are part of the so-called macronutrients , a heterogeneous group that they make up along with fats and proteins. These three types of macronutrients are processed by our digestive sys...

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Los aminoácidos esenciales de los alimentos

Essential amino acids: what they are, what they are and why we need them

You may have heard that the nutrients that make up the foods we eat are divided into micronutrients and macronutrients . The first are vitamins and minerals, while the second are carbohydrates, fa...

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Procesados y ultraprocesados en la alimentación infantil

Processed and ultra-processed in baby food

We know that ultra-processed foods are bad for our health, but... What exactly are ultra-processed foods? What is the difference between processed and ultra-processed? How do we make sure we con...

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Vuelta a la rutina

Back to routine

Healthy habits after summer September is around the corner. Getting back into a routine can be an arduous task both physically and emotionally, although this is not always the case. Calm down! W...

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Los indispensables del verano

Summer essentials

Eating healthy should be understood as a lifestyle. This way, when summer arrives, your diet continues to be an ally and not a challenge. Having a good relationship with food is essential. When ...

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El veneno dulce

The sweet poison

Refined sugar in children's diet Consuming more than four pieces of ultra-processed foods a day is associated with a 62% increase in the risk of mortality. This is the data provided by the Briti...

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Todo sobre la Impossible Diet

All about the Impossible Diet

We tell you what our Impossible Diet consists of. Today, May 6, is the International Day without diets... and it is curious, because the month of May is precisely the month of the year in which ...

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