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Marina Ribas

Dietista integrativa, maestra y divulgadora. Especialista en patologías o trastornos autoinmunes, hormonales y digestivos. @marina.ribas.torres

sistema inmune y alergias

How to take care of our immune system?

The arrival of spring means joy, sun and good weather... but for many people this season means facing the dreaded allergies and spring asthenia for another year .  We notice allergies through sy...

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Un Sant Jordi la mar de saludable

A very healthy Sant Jordi

On the 23rd of this month we celebrate Sant Jordi , book day. And the best way to celebrate is by sharing our favorite books on health and wellness with you. You no longer need to wait for a princ...

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salud hormonal femenina

How do I know if I have hormonal health?

In our Instagram live, we interview the physiotherapist, expert in clinical PNI and master in nutrition and health Irene Fernández Centellas , with whom we talk about the importance of knowing the ...

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¿Por qué las proteínas son lo más importante en cualquier dieta?

Why are proteins the most important thing in any diet?

Etymologically, the meaning of the word protein already gives us many clues about its relevance. The word comes from the Greek “ proteis ”, that is, “primary, fundamental”. It is not a coincidence...

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We already have them here. Our magician's latest creation has arrived at the Impossible Bakers store after many months of testing. We are that way. We don't stop until we get it! Joining our f...

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Menú para la vuelta a la rutina

Menu for the return to routine

The new year arrives and with it the lists of resolutions. What if you join the gym, write a diary, meditate 10 minutes a day, go on a diet... The truth is that we can't help you with all that...

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Ritmos circadianos. Pon tu reloj en hora

Cardiac rhtyms. Set your clock

Circadian rhythms are the changes that occur at the behavioral, physical and mental level in time periods of approximately 24 hours and are mainly related to light and dark cycles. They affect huma...

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